The Purpose of Business

Success or failure is a direct result of the foundation it’s built on

The importance of Business

Business is how we connect ourselves to money and income in the marketplace. A strong, integral business, corporation, church is a direct reflection of the owner, and or leader. Most people have been programmed to make money, with not much thought of how that reflects them and their character. To create something that is lasting requires building a foundation for your business that will stand the test of time.

The foundation of Business

The foundation of Business is people. This Foundation is also parallel with Well-being. It's simple. What you value you take care of. When a company's vision is to help others get what they want, they will attract team members, partners, and staff who want to do the same. There is the potential of a thriving culture in that business, or organization.

If a company, organization, or team lacks vision, it doesn't matter how great the leadership is, no one knows where they are going or what they're supposed to do. That's when everything changes to making money, hitting quota's and targets, pushing product. The vision is not there to actually help people.

A successful business will always need to be Win - Win - Win. Win for the customer/client. Win for the team, employees, staff. Win for the leadership team. This requires having a vision, people minded leadership, integrity and accountability. It's often talked about within organizations but the real transformation happens with a clear vision. A strong company vision that has the potential to prosper and last for generations, will come from treasure's that lay inside the founder of the company. This very reason, a person will place high priority on their well-being is because the impacts on their life impacts other peoples lives. Business is the exact same. A business that is built with people in mind first is the foundational principal for true success.

Whether you are the business owner or the employee, the leadership and direction of the company you own or work for does have impacts on you and your family, your life. The questions to begin asking yourself are, do I feel inspired to go to work everyday? Do I feel like I am adding value to the company I work for, or do I feel like a number on their payroll? Do I treat and respect my workers, co-workers the way I want to be treated? The answers to these questions, begin to let you know where your mindset and beliefs are when it comes to your business, your career, or your job.

“Success or failure is a direct result of the foundation it’s built on!”

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