
What Matters Most!

Over fourteen years ago I walked into my shared office space, and on my desk was one beautifully wrapped chocolate. It brought the biggest…

Andrea Frasers Headshot
Andrea Fraser
June 14th, 2023
A red wrapped chocolate placed on a office desk with the words The Little Things

Over fourteen years ago I walked into my shared office space, and on my desk was one beautifully wrapped chocolate. It brought the biggest smile to my face. I stood amazed looking at the chocolate that I later learned was placed there and given to me by my boss. I still remember the moment as if it happened yesterday because I'll never forget how it made me feel. I felt like someone cared and appreciated me because someone went out of their way to give to me my favorite chocolate. It was one thing being given chocolate, but it was a whole other thing being given my favorite chocolate. I didn't even know that she knew it was my favorite. Fourteen years later I still remember seeing that chocolate sitting on my desk and how it made me feel.

I've learned through life it is the little things that matter most. I know for me I can recall most little gestures that people have done for me.  Like a time over ten years ago when my husband surprised me after I had just come from a swim workout, and he was waiting for me in the parking lot with a nice hot coffee!  I didn’t know he was going to do that, I thought he was on the other side of the city!  I didn’t expect it at all, but I still remember that morning how it was chilly and rainy out, and there he was with a hot coffee for me.  It made my day.  It still makes me smile today when I think of that time. It amazes me how those moments have the power to shift my whole day.  It makes me feel so important because someone went out of their way to give me something that would make me smile.  I know in both those instances they didn’t do it because they expected something in return, they did it because they were thinking of me and wanted to let me know. I've realized it's these moments that matters most. It is the little gestures we do for other people to let them know we care and are thinking about them. 

When my daughter was little one of her favorite toys was a little red mailbox.  It was about 18 inches high and 8 inches square and it had a mail slot at the top, and an opening in the back to retrieve the mail.  She loved getting mail.  Today she is a young adult, and still loves receiving handwritten notes and letters.  It’s funny when I leave her a note, she always thanks me for it and lets me know how it made her feel.  When I write the note, I’m smiling and thinking of her, but by the time she receives it I’ve totally forgotten about doing the kind gesture.  But when she thanks me for note I see how much it meant to her, and I’m reminded of how it feels to be on the receiving end.

The same is true when it comes to doing the little things for ourselves.  People can only do little things for others when they do the little things that matter for themselves.  I know for me the things that make a difference in how I feel about myself, are when I follow through with the little details. For me the little details almost seem like silly things, but they add up to a lot when left undone or not done at all.  Like completing all the laundry…folding it and putting it away.  Planning my week first thing Monday morning, and my day each morning. Going to bed with a clean kitchen.  Putting things back where they belong and not leaving piles everywhere.  Even drinking water throughout the day, and following my meal plan and workout schedule.  Trust me they are not always things I want to do, however when I follow through with the little things I go to bed with a feeling of satisfaction.  I’m not satisfied with myself that I checked things off a list, I’m satisfied that I did the little things that make me become a better person for following through with what I know is the right thing to do. 

I believe people who do little things for others, are mindful of doing the little things that matter for themselves.  I have been that person that would take a week to finish one load of laundry, and I would have piles of stuff all over the place.  The last thing I was thinking about was doing something nice for someone else.  I had to navigate through my own piles of laundry, and stuff that it wasn’t possible for me to think of others. In this fast paced world we live in today, I encourage you that it's okay to slow down and follow through with the little things that matter to you…even if it seems silly like sorting the mail or making your bed. You will be grateful every time you do! And yes, you will have to tell yourself to do it because you won’t always want to, but it’s still worth that feeling of satisfaction when you do what you know you should do.

Something I have asked myself and others over the years is, 'why are we all in a hurry anyway'?? 'Where’s everyone going'!? People rush through their day to get to the end of it…then what?  Nothing happens, nothing changes, it's just the same stuff - different day. Sometimes we need to lighten up a little, laugh at ourselves and enjoy the little things.

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