Consent policy

Newsletters and Other Communications from Us. Our registered users and customers may receive newsletters, email communications, or communications through other channels for, among other purposes, the promotion and marketing of a product or service from our family of sites and business properties, and business partners, and we may also offer other visitors to our sites the opportunity to sign up to receive such information. When there is a separate sign-up for newsletters, we ask for contact information such as name and email address, and, sometimes, demographic and profile information. By visiting our sites, you affirmatively consent to our collection and use of your data. We use this information in the same manner as we use the contact information in the Registration process described above. We may offer our users the choice whether to receive mailings from others that we think will be of interest. Recipients of our mailings can unsubscribe by following instructions that may appear at the end of email communications. Note that in order to keep our registered users informed about the operation of our services, we may send emails and announcements that are needed for the proper functioning and administration of our sites and service.

Communications with Us. We have features where you can submit information to us (such as when contacting us with a question or feedback). We may retain your emails and other information you submit to us for our internal purposes, and to help us to serve you better.


  • In addition we may offer for sale teaching resources and other items which may contain words such as (“Resources”).
    • Examples of Resources may include books, mugs, DVDs, CDs, USBs, and online training courses and all live stream events.
  • After ordering Resources online from our store, you will receive an email confirmation containing your order details (if you have provided your email address). We will normally confirm receipt of your order within a few minutes of your order.
    • We will attempt to send physical Resources via postal service or courier in a timely manner; however, if goods are unavailable, delivery will take a little longer. Delivery times may be affected by event schedules.
    • We will attempt to provide electronic Resources within two working days.
  • Emails are often collected by spam filters. It is up to you to ensure that spam filters are adequately set up to allow delivery of our emails. In some circumstances, web hosts also filter emails and may prevent email transmission of invoices and purchase-related data. This is outside of our control.
  • If you purchase a Resource from us, we may request certain personal information, such as contact information (eg name, email, phone number and postal address) and financial information (eg credit card number, expiration date). Credit card information is not stored by us and is handled directly by our payment gateways (i.e, Stripe, PayPal).
  • If you wish to query a delivery please contact us at: We will always try to respond as soon as possible to your inquiry.

Intellectual Property

  • We often produce videos using Facebook Live and Youtube, our own recording equipment, other platforms, or third-party recording equipment. While we often broadcast these videos publicly, we maintain our claim of intellectual property in those recordings. If you are interested in reproducing or re-broadcasting any recordings produced by us, (for example on another YouTube channel), please secure written permission first. We always can be contacted directly on our contact page at:
  • When you participate in our recorded events, whether in person or through electronic media such as Facebook Live, Youtube, Zoom or any other you consent to our recording of your participation and or use of the recording of you, without compensation of any kind to you.
  • Unless you request otherwise in writing, in advance of our usage as described in this clause, you consent to our reproduction of any of your posts or emails, in whole or in part, in the course of our provision of information or Resources, and for that reproduction to become part of our intellectual property.
  • Registered and unregistered trademarks, logos, service marks and trade names (collectively the “Trademarks”) owned by us may not be used in any manner without our prior written consent.
  • Where we use a Trademark with the permission of the Trademark’s owner, we cannot and do not grant, explicitly or by implication, any license or right to any third party to use that Trademark. Any use of such Trademarks is strictly prohibited.
  • We will enforce our Trademark rights to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Possible Infringement by us. If you are the owner of intellectual property and you believe we have infringed rights in that intellectual property, or the intellectual property of a third party, please notify us at:
All notices should include:
  • identification of the material that you claim infringes intellectual property rights, with enough detail so that we may locate that material;
  • information describing how you believe that your intellectual property rights were infringed; and
  • your name, address, telephone number, email address, and your physical or electronic signature.
Although we endeavour to respond to emails in a timely manner, it may take a few days to investigate your complaint and respond. We will endeavour to correct any errors promptly once we are made aware of them.

Social Media

  • We use social media as an integral part of communication for our business. Our social media spaces are public spaces with limited privacy. Harassment and inappropriate posts are not welcome and may be subject to moderation.
  • In our social media spaces, any personal information that is disclosed is publicly available, and any statements are also public. By posting anything to our social media accounts, you consent to its public display and our use of the content you post.
  • If we use testimony from social media, we will attempt to maintain anonymity, unless you consent to the release of your name. However, we cannot guarantee that your identity may not be discernible as a result of the facts you post.
  • In participating and commenting in a Facebook live event or Youtube event, Zoom or any other you are gathering in a public place where you agree to the broadcast of your information. Sometimes during live sessions, personal names can be called out to edify or identify you personally and that presentation becomes an integral part of the Facebook Live video. While the video remains on Facebook in its original format, we also save and upload these videos on YouTube and our website. If you are named, or your personal identity is given and you wish to remain anonymous in further reproductions, please notify us directly at:
  • Preferably within reasonable time of the end of the broadcast, so the relevant footage can be removed from the finished product.
  • We encourage discourse on social media, but we will moderate comments we deem threatening to our staff, partners or the community. Our moderator will determine acceptable limits of discussion. Online harassment, particularly personal attacks on employees or staff, partners directly involved with Absolute Training Centre or any statement which is defamatory, is not acceptable.
  • Screenshots of harassing comments may be archived, comments may be deleted, and accounts may be blocked. In severe circumstances, authorities will be contacted.
  • Social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc) collect data and analytics according to their relevant privacy policies. For information on their policies, please view the links bellow.